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    In WW II, the United States armed Viet Minh – the precedent Vietnamese Communist Party – without any conditions about moral values and political ideology, because The U.S. needed it, Viet Minh, to fight against the Japanese and also then China was an ally of the U.S.. This fact means that the U.S. did what was considered to best protect and profit it. Go to hell with moral values and political ideologies !

    Now, in the light of claims over South China sea archipelagoes by China and some South East Asian Countries, suddenly the U.S. required that the Communist Vietnam adopt some moral values and political ideology in order to go alongside with it to face China ! This fact means that Vietnam in the current situation is not in the best interest of the U.S.; otherwise, the U.S. would go ahead and arm Communist Vietnam to face off China. It can be inferred that China would be, in fact, in the better interest of the U.S. in the South China Sea problems. Go to hell with moral values and political ideologies again !

    However, one would understand that the U.S. has known very well the complicated inseparable relationships between China and Communist Vietnam. They attached. They fought against each other. Yet, they couldn’t part. They hate each other but they also need each other to preserve satanic alliance. They, China and Communist Vietnam, have the same traditional enemy: the U.S.. It is easy to see that Communist Vietnam slyly have tried to court the U.S. for help in arms just to get what it needs to counter bargain with China for what it wants from China. That’s it. Go to hell with moral values and political ideology !

    “Recent events show that the Vietnamese communist leadership appears ready to accept the consequences of a closer strategic cooperation with the United States”. This is a dreaming statement. Please prove it by politically logical reasonings, and facts if possible, in the current circumstances. What facts have been undertaken by the Vietnamese Polibureau to support that observation as stated in “recent events” ?. Thus, “arms race may lead to democratic reform in Vietnam” is another dreaming statement. There is no evidence to support that “the Vietnamese Communist leadership appears ready to accept the consequences of a closer strategic cooperation with the U.S.”, then how would one believe that arms race, if happened, would lead to democratic reforms in Vietnam ?

    Without supporting evidences, any arguments would be only a simple dream.
    You may dream to make your life a little better, but please do not misguide others to fall into traps.

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